Monday, September 19, 2011

Working while Disabled

Social Security Rules and Regulations encourage Claimants to attempt to work. You can work and receive your full benefits during a Trial Work Period and then continue to work after your Trial Work Period and keep your Medicare benefits, both for specific time periods.If you become disabled by the exact same condition, within specific time periods, your benefits can be reinstated. Your earnings will be reduced by disability related expenses that allow you to work. When you are able to return to work, be certain you know the Reporting responsibilities to Social Security and have documented proof of when you supplied that Notice. These time periods and reporting requirements are ABSOLUTE and just because you have exceeded those Trial Work Period months and have continued to get your full benefits, does not mean you have a right to keep the payments made in error. Be certain to have proof you notified SSA of your work and have written proof if some one at SSA tells you your benefits will continue after the Trial Work Period.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11/2001 Where were you?

We will always be drawn together by this date and each of us will remember what we were doing: I was having a second cup of coffee and watching the morning news show. I live about 5 miles, as the crow flies, from Tactical Air Command, Langley Air Force Base. The TV was showing the Twin Tower on fire, and the house shook with the sounds of a "scramble" from Langley; I stepped to the window to see as I heard the exclamations on tv as the second plane hit. I tried to reach my niece who was attending Columbia University luck, but she was fine. And tears filled most of the next days.We will not forget.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Reopening Prior Applications greater than four years prior to current Application

The Rules of Social Security Administration allow for the reopening of prior Claims under specific circumstances up to four years prior.However, in the Fourth Circuit a special Ruling applies which allowed me to reopen a Claim that was Filed seven years prior and never Appealed providing 75 months of retroactive benefits after 16 months of representation in my office. This has been a wonderful case to have won for a client who has been cared for by a dedicated sister for many years with little or no help from other family members, financially or emotionally.