From the Social Security Administration there are two basic benefits based in Disability: Supplemental Security Income and Disability Insurance Benefits We also specialize in obtaining Medicaid benefits for the disabled, which is administered through the Department of Social Services of the various localities. Our assistance with Medicare coverage, comes through DIB eligibility or End Stage Renal Disease.
The definition that the Social Security Administration uses for defining disabled is the same for these three benefits: you must not be able to do the work you have done as your primary past relevant work, there are no transferable skills, there are no jobs in the national economy that those transferable skills transfer to that you can do without 18 months of training or more, and your disability is anticipated to last for twelve months, or end in your death. A Representative assists with cases which don’t seem to meet that definition. Very few cases meet that definition when first evaluated by SSA.
Supplemental Security Income is available to the disabled population who meet certain income and resource limitations. SSI eligibility creates eligibility for many services from the Department of Social Services, such as food stamps, Section 8 housing, and Medicaid. There is no earnings record requirement for this benefit.
Disability Insurance Benefits is not a resource or income dependent benefit which provides monthly benefits based on the highest five consecutive earnings years or the last full year earnings, if that is highest, as well as benefits to eligible dependents after six full months of a disability anticipated to last at least twelve consecutive months. If you are also drawing Worker's Compensation, your DIB benefits will be "coordinated" with your Worker's Compensation amounts.
If you have attained the age of 61 years and 6 months, you can apply for early retirement benefits to be paid to you while you are seeking Disability Insurance Benefits. Generally, Early Retirement benefits are substantially less than your DIB monthly benefit therefore you will receive additional funds when you are approved for DIB.
Medicaid is administered through the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services and provides medical coverage for the disabled who meet the same income and resource limits as set for SSI.
Medicare is available to End Stage Renal Disease patients who meet specific medical guidelines, and DIB recipients after 24 months of benefit eligibility.
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